The purpose of the logo is to make the Korea National Railway recognizable as the leader of the in Korean rail industry by establishing a dual name system, KR-domestic and KR Network-intemational, as practiced worldwide. When the logo is to be used or drawn, it must be reduced or enlarged using the CD-Rom data and grid system, and it must be closely managed following policies as described in the on the manual.
The Signature is the most effective method to deliver the image of Korea National Railway to markets at home and abroad by combining the key CI items, logo and font in the most reasonable and structural pattern. The various combinations of signature allow its use in all situations. The existing CD-Rom data must be used to reduce or enlarge the signature.
The emblem symbolizes the authority and reputation of KR. [PERIOD] It my be utilized in various expression methods.
KR Dark Blue (Pantone 294C)
Process Color C100+M70+K30 / R12+G25+B111KR Brown (Pantone 1255C)
Process Color M40+Y100+K30 / R153+G107KR Light Green (Pantone 299C)
Process Color C60+Y100 / R114+G191+B68