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Go to main page CLEAN RUN WITH NATURE Eco-Friendly Railway

Eco-Friendly Railway

Priority on building fast and efficient railways in harmony with the environment

Keeping in mind first and foremost that future prosperity depends on careful and responsible management of the environment, Korea National Railway fosters sustainable eco-friendly future in harmony with Mother Nature.

Green policy to determine rail routes

  • Environmental considerations are at the heart of route selection with greater public participation to assess different views at the earliest stage of planning process to prepare alternative plans if necessary.

Green Citizen Committee and conflict management

  • To prevent and resolve conflicts that may arise during railway construction, public hearings, Conflict Review Committee meetings and Construction Industry Arbitration Committee meetings are held. In addition, Green Citizen Committee represented by wide cross section of residents and NGOs hold scheduled meetings to prevent potential issues or resolve current issues.

Best earth-friendly rail construction practices

  • Railway construction guidelines provide for eco-friendliness in all aspects of railway projects
  • Public hearings & workshops are held to prevent conflicts over environmental issues
  • Adverse environmental and ecological impacts are minimized through thorough studies
  • Environmental standards are strictly adhered to in order to prevent water and soil pollution during construction
  • Crossing boxes and other trails for wild animals are ensured prior to railway opening
  • Tunnel dust mitigation measures and noise barriers are employed at railway construction sites near residential areas
  • Continuous welded rail, floating slabs, ballast mats and other construction techniques are applied to minimize noise during train operations
  • Post-construction evaluations are conducted to monitor and ensure environment-friendliness of completed rail infrastructures

Response to climate change

  • Prepare and implement measures for adaptation to climate changes
  • Implement GHG emissions reduction management plan for public organizations
  • Actively promote Emissions Trading System(ETS) Offset

Environmental Costs by Volume images